Friday Fun: First Weekend of Summer

Today marks the first official day of Summer in the Northern Hemisphere, and it already looks like this weekend is going to be a great time to enjoy the nice weather if you live in the Northeast. In fact, the sun is shining, the temperatures are in the mid 70’s, and the cats of the world are already trying to figure out the best way to get to the birds singing outside. As a result, this weekend is offering up the perfect weather to start off the summer right, and if you’re looking for a good way to get out of the office and enjoy the weather this weekend, you may want to look into a few of these events.

First, if your kids are really into kites or they’re driving you so crazy that you’re ready to tell them to “go fly a kite!”, you may want to head on over to Spectacle Island this weekend. Spectacle Island is holding a kite-flying day tomorrow, June 22, 2013, from 1:30 to 2:30 pm. This event will not only allow your kids to fly a kite in one of the best places to fly a kite in Boston, but will also allow your family to build their own kite for free. So, as Mary Poppins would say, “Let’s go fly a kite up to the highest height.” For more information, please visit the Boston Harbor Islands website.

Secondly, if you and/or your family are more into carnivals than kites, you can always head on over to Revere Beach. This weekend marks the last weekend of the Revere Beach Carnival, which means it’s your last chance to enjoy the food, rides, games, and petting zoo this year. The carnival is open from 1 pm to approximately 10:00 or 11:00 pm all weekend, and if you would like more information or discount coupons, check out the Fiesta Shows website.

Finally, if you’re really looking for some way to include your dog in your outdoor activities this weekend, the Avenue Marketing Group may have exactly what you’re looking for. The Avenue Marketing Group is hosting Pooch-A-Palooza on Saturday and Sunday this weekend from 10 am to 7 pm at Prowse Farm in Canton, MA. Pooch-A-Palooza is an outdoor dog festival featuring dog contests, music, kid’s games, food for both humans and dogs, and a whole lot more. For more information, please visit the Pooch-A-Palooza website.