Tax Day: Taxation with Representation

American Revolutionary War Memorial in Lexington
Chances are, you’re probably familiar with Benjamin Franklin’s famous line “in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.”  In fact, if you’re really not a fan of taxes (and let’s face it, who is), you may be familiar with some of the other great quotes that tax-haters have said over the years (like Will Rogers’ not-quite-as-famous line “the only difference between death and taxes is that death doesn’t get worse every time Congress meets.”)  However, in the end, it doesn’t really matter how many great quotes you know or how much you loathe the prospect of giving up your hard-earned cash, you still have to pay the piper in the end.  And, as you have probably already realized, today marks the day where just about everyone has to pay up because it’s the last day you can file your taxes.  Fortunately, just because you have to file today doesn’t necessarily mean that you can’t still have some fun this weekend, and if you’re looking for a way to have some fun and get your mind off of the tax man (or tax woman as the case may be), there’s no better way than to hear the stories of the men and women who fought to get us taxation WITH representation in the first place.

If this sounds like an interesting way to spend part of your weekend, then you should definitely head over to the Pilgrim Church on Coolidge Ave in Lexington, MA.  This is because the Pilgrim Church is hosting the 10th anniversary performance of “In Their Own Words” on Sunday from 8:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M.  This performance will give you the opportunity to learn about the beginning of the American Revolution through the words of the people who actually lived it as a group of talented actors read from the diaries, depositions, letters, and sermons of the active participants in and the witnesses of the events that began the revolution.  For more information on “In Their Own Words” and/or to order tickets for the event, please visit the Lexington Historical Society’s website.

Photo credit: denisbin via Visualhunt / CC BY-ND

Works Consulted

“Benjamin Franklin.” Xplore Inc, 2016. 15 April 2016.

“Will Rogers.” Xplore Inc, 2016. 15 April 2016.